Friday, September 5, 2008

Bob Saget Raped and Killed a Girl in 1990.

The video explains my emotional state this evening, the fourth in a row in which I will average less than 4 hours of sleep for no good reason. All play and no sleep makes Molly a gloomy Guss.

The title of the post is just cuz I want to attract to my blog the kind of people that would do a google search for said phrase.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Hi Molly! Just wanted to comment on your blog and say how funny and interesting I think it all is. I know how you feel. I can't sleep either. Now it's day 5 at one am and still no sleep. At least I can sleep in tomorrow! LoL
I like in the video when Alfred says
"I hope you'll excuse me if I appear a trifle excited..."
What a droll little ham.