Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The couple that hates middle America together stays together

I've been spending about.... 9+ hours a day absorbing news/politics, (NPR streaming in my ears at work = worst idea ever) so it may be that I have intelligent things to say about current affairs. BUT, since I've been using the internet for over 10 years and I just found out about screenshots, I'll just post bits of conversation Erik and I had while watching the Republican National Convention instead.

I meant to say calumnity, not fecundity. Although, given Palin's daughter, fecundity is also acceptable.


megan said...

umm, says "calumnity" is not a real word.. however "calumniate" "calumniator" and "calumniation" are all real words... sarah palin sucks... the axiomatic effrontery of the republican party in nominating her hurts inside a little.

Molly said...

yeah it's calumny, my bad. Good thing it wasn't on the test!